The National Sport Of Bhutan

In the late 1920s, under the rule of the then-dragon king, archery spread throughout Bhutan and has since grown to be an integral aspect of Bhutanese culture.

Archery is undoubtedly one of the most played sports in Bhutan given how much the people there love their national sport.

Even visitors are compelled to take part in the national sport of Bhutan during the celebration because of the distinctive atmosphere it creates. Tourists have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in this unique experience by staying at the lovely Himalayan lodges and retreats. It is unmatched to experience the thrill of seeing an arrow hit a target at a distance of at least 100 metres.

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Why Is Archery The National Sport Of Bhutan?

Up until 1999, when archery was officially proclaimed the national sport of Bhutan, Bhutanese men enjoyed spending time outside.

But more than anything, there are myths and legends that might shed light on why Bhutan’s national sport and obsession is archery.

Jigme Namgyal, the father of the First Dragon King, is said to have prayed to Yeshey Gonpo, the chief protector deity of Bhutan, before firing an arrow during the late nineteenth-century Duar War between Bhutan and the British.

The British general was killed when an arrow from a hilltop fell onto his forehead. Even though this tale is impressive, archery has a much longer history in Bhutanese mythology.

Since that time, archery has become a distinctive feature of Bhutanese culture, both in the military and in religion. Deities and gods are frequently portrayed with bows and arrows in both their serene and furious states.

Traditional Bhutanese Archery Game

national sports of Bhutan
national sports of Bhutan

Bhutan archery differs greatly from the sport’s international standard.

For instance, the range in traditional Bhutanese archery is 145 metres, which is twice as long as the Olympic range.

There are 13 players on each team plus two substitutes. Near the goal at the opposite end of the field, the opposing teams line up.

These are the rules for Bhutanese archery.

Archers alternately fire a pair of arrows at a time.
A point is awarded if the archer hits the target within one metre of it.
They score two points if they hit the target.
They score three points if they hit the bull’s eye.
The team with the most points at the end wins. The teams take turns shooting the arrows.
The Bhutanese national sport, however, has difficult-to-understand rules. For instance, a bullseye nullifies the previous archer’s score.

It’s surprising to see that locals place a higher value on local competitions than on competitions held at the Olympics.

They contend that the Olympic range is significantly smaller and that modern technology cannot equal the richness of the traditional equipment.

Why is it that the Bhutanese play archery differently from the rest of the world? You might wonder. Well, there is no better place than Bhutan to find the answer. All you have to do is plan a trip to Bhutan with Norbu Bhutan.


Published by Ryangzom

Hi I am Rinzin from a tiny Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, I write blogs about Bhutan Tours and Travel.

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